eSpace is part of the EPFL Space Center dedicated to the two core areas of education and research at EPFL, bringing together students, professors, researchers, engineers, industries, and international space agencies.

atome (1)


Research projects

satelite (1)


Minor in Space Technologies



Hands-on student projects



Students every year

eSpace supports EPFL’s space-affiliated professors and students, coordinates the Minor in Space Technologies, and provides guidance and support to the EPFL Student Teams: EPFL Rocket Team, EPFL Spacecraft Team, Xplore, Space Situational Awareness and Asclepios. eSpace also contributes to the EPFL New Space Economy MOOC.

eSpace pushes space related projects by supporting researchers in funding, information and contact to the space community. eSpace boasts a team of experts and benefits from close collaborations with research laboratories and institutes at EPFL. In many cases, the research and development activities performed are carried out directly within these entities, with support or coordination from eSpace. The unit supports a number of space-related research projects with a focus on sustainability, such as the Space Sustainability Rating. Other topics are engineering for space science, space technologies such as robotics, quantum for space, earth observation, lunar mobility, space situational awareness.

In addition to education and research, eSpace is organised around three focus areas: Space Technology and Innovation, Space Science and Engineering, and Sustainable Space and Diplomacy. Through these hubs, eSpace operates a number of projects that serve the missions of EPFL around education, research and innovation. Visit our research section for more information about these projects.

Learn more about who we are, what we do, and our impact at EPFL and beyond with our new short video.

eSpace Activity Reports

For more information, the eSpace Activities present the main actions performed at eSpace in order for the unit to fulfil its missions and objectives. These reports also present eSpace’s plans and goals for the current year and beyond.





