Info Session: Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are available to post-graduate researchers, from over 180 other countries, who are planning to come to Switzerland to pursue research or further studies in any discipline at pre-doctoral, doctoral or post-doctoral level. Applicants must be supported by a host professor. The aim of this online […]


EPFL Polydome EPFL Route de la Sorge PO1, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland

Analogue space missions aims to replicate space missions at reduced costs and risks. They take place on Earth, underwater or even in zero-gravity flights. Their duration, equipment, protocols and crews vary considerably. Space agencies have their own facilities for high-fidelity analogue space missions, but many analogue space missions were built and […]

Dark Matter Day 2024 – Discover the Mysteries of the Universe and the Brain

CERN Auditorium Sergio Marchionne Campus du Portail de la science du CERN, Esplanade des Particules 1, Meyrin, Switzerland

To celebrate Dark Matter Day 2024, join us at the Science Gateway on 31 October at 7.30 p.m for an immersive evening that will take you on a journey from cosmology and particle physics to neurosciences The most important things are invisible to the naked eye... Did you know that […]

Workshop: Quantum for Space

ESDI - European Space Deep-Tech Innovation Centre @ PSI Paul Scherrer Institut PARK INNOVAARE/EPIA, Forschungsstrasse 111, Villigen, Switzerland

Register here!

EPFL Scientastic 2024

EPFL AVP SAO SPS Bâtiment GA, 2ème étage, Station 5, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland

Scientastic sera de retour sur le campus lausannois les 9 et 10 novembre 2024 ! Ne manquez pas cette nouvelle édition qui vous réservera bien des surprises ! Alors à vos agendas ! Scientastic, c'est: La découverte des sciences et des technologies au cœur du campus, pour les adultes et […]

Information Session on new ESDI research program: QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY FOR SPACE

EPFL Copernic

ESA's European Space Deep-Tech Innovation Centre ("ESDI", located at PSI) will be starting their research programs with the first call focusing on quantum technologies for space. To learn more about ESDI, its goals, the quantum program and other planned programs on data and materials, there will be a general information […]

Dr. Mazlan Othman at EPFL

EPFL Campus room CE 1 4

Join SPAN and Xplore on Wednesday, November 13th, at 17:00 in CE 1 4 at EPFL for an unforgettable evening with Dr. Mazlan Othman, a world leader in space science and policy! Dr. Othman isn't just Malaysia's first astrophysicist-she's a global visionary in space exploration! From establishing the Malaysian National Space Agency to leading the UN […]
