This workshop will connect space & global sustainability, key space actors and sustainability thinkers.
See speakers’ bios and abstracts of their talks HERE.
09:00-9:05 Opening: Natália Archinard (Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs)
09:05-9:30 Planetary Sustainability: Andreas Losch with André Galli (University of Bern) & Xiao-Shan Yap (EAWAG/University of Utrecht)
09:30-10:00 Planetary Boundaries and Limits to Growth: Christian Berg (Club of Rome)
10:00-10:25 Earth-Space Sustainability: Xiao-Shan Yap (EAWAG/University of Utrecht)
10:25-10:40: Break
10:40-11:25 Environmental challenges: Space Debris, Megaconstellations, and the Preservation of our Night Sky: Thomas Schildknecht (University of Bern)
11:25-11:45 Active Space Debris removal: Luc Piguet (
11:45-12:05 Space Sustainability Rating: Nikolai Khlystov (World Economic Forum)
12:05-12:10 Words of welcome from our host: Mathias Wirth (University of Bern)
12:10-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-14:30 Challenges and Opportunities I
14:30-14:45 Break
14:45-16:15 Challenges and Opportunities II
16:15-16:30 Break
16:30-17:00 Wrap up & Closing Panel: Andreas Losch & TBA
Registration to the workshop will be free of charge for all.
To make it happen, sponsors and donations are much welcome.
Think big. Think connected. Think planetary. Act Sustainably.
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