11.12.23 - The EPFL Space Center was created to bring together space-related research and education across campus. In the last twenty years, the Center has grown, encompassing many research projects, student teams, startups, and a Minor in Space Technologies. Read our longread!
One of EPFL’s longest-running Centers, the EPFL Space Center has helped send technology into space, created and ushered over 450 students through the Minor in Space Technologies, managed space-related student teams, and led the charge in the important emerging field of space sustainability, with research projects and successful spinoffs.
Check out our longread to go through twenty years of outer space at EPFL.

In this longread:
- “It’s our job to think about how to make space missions more sustainable”
- EPFL in outer space
- EPFL’s student space teams
- “Right now, there is a kind of renaissance in space”
- Contributions to international space science