VSV symposium 2022: Changing the course – Broadening space exploration consciously

Aula Conference Centre Mekelweg 5, Delft, Netherlands
Hybrid Hybrid Event

GET YOUR TICKET As humans we wonder: what is out there? As engineers we also ask ourselves: how can we explore it? And as the future of the industry: how are we able to make space flight more sustainable, such that we are not limited in the future by for […]

Space Café WebTalk – “33 minutes with E. David and Dr. M. Rathnasabapathy”

Virtual Event Virtual Event

REGISTER HERE This Space Café WebTalk will feature Emmanuelle David, the executive manager of eSpace - EPFL Space Center and Dr Minoo Rathnasabapathy, research engineer at the Space Enabled Research Group at MIT's Media Lab, in conversation with Torsten Kriening, publisher of SpaceWatch.Global. Rewarding safe and sustainable behaviour in space […]


SDG18.SPACE Online
Virtual Event Virtual Event

The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity, strengthening universal peace in partnership for 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They comprise almost every important aspect of modern civilization, including sustainability goals for life on Earth, life below water and climate Action. […]

Legends of Space

Swisstech Convention Center Quartier Nord EPFL, Route Louis-Favre 2, Ecublens, Vaud, Switzerland

Take an incredible journey through the past, present, and future of human spaceflight and space exploration, as we tell the continuing story of humankind's greatest adventure. From Project Gemini to the Apollo program, to present day NASA and global space agencies commitment to landing humans including the first woman, and […]

Swiss Space Week @ EPFL- Ateliers Scientifiques (FR)

EPFL, Batiment GA Avenue François-Alfonse-Forel, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland

La SATW et ses partenaires vous proposent une semaine spéciale consacrée à l'espace. Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir les acteurs qui contribuent à faire de la Suisse une nation spatiale. L'industrie spatiale mondiale est en plein essor. Un demi-siècle après la première course à l'espace qui avait conduit l'Humanité à poser le […]
