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Student projects rescheduled and redesigned
By Candice Norhadian
11.06.20 - Students taking part in EPFL’s interdisciplinary projects have had to work from home to limit the spread of COVID-19. Despite this challenge, they remain optimistic. EPFL’s interdisciplinary projects ...
READ MORE EPFL joins the giant radio telescope SKA for the Swiss community
By Candice Norhadian
20.04.20 - The Square Kilometre Array, or SKA, will be the biggest radio telescope ever built. Thanks to this ambitious tool, some of the universe’s greatest mysteries will be resolved. ...
READ MORE A Swiss satellite seeking out distant planets
By Candice Norhadian
18.12.19 - The CHEOPS satellite was put into orbit on Wednesday, a day later than planned, from the European spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. The telescope, which will hunt for ...
READ MORE EPFL startup heads a mission to clean up space
By Candice Norhadian
13.12.19 - ClearSpace, a spin-off of EPFL’s Space Center (eSpace), has been selected to lead a major European Space Agency (ESA) space debris de-orbiting project with a total budget topping ...
READ MORE SwissnexDay’19 to focus on Space Technology for a sustainable future
By Candice Norhadian
27.11.19 - Switzerland is a recognised space nation and has been a crucial partner in European and global space adventures since their beginnings: It contributed to all Apollo missions, pioneered ...
READ MORE Taking sustainability into space
By Candice Norhadian
04.10.19 - Things are changing in outer space: it is filling with debris, attracting private companies, and raising new technological challenges. To keep pace with this mercurial environment, the EPFL’s ...
READ MORE ClearSpace, a public interest undertaking for our cognosphere *
By Candice Norhadian
14.06.19 - ClearSpace, a Swiss start-up**, spin-off of the EPFL Space Center (eSpace), wants to clean up nearby Space (Low Earth Orbit), which is starting to be seriously cluttered with ...
READ MORE Recognising Sustainable Behaviour
By Candice Norhadian
08.05.19 - Solving the growing problem of space debris will require everyone who flies rockets and satellites to adhere to sustainable practices, which doesn’t always happen. Now there will be ...